총 가격

private course - 25 lessons per week

Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman), 암만, 요르단

아랍어 1-1 25 수업 / 주

코스 제목
private course - 25 lessons per week
코스 시간
09:00 - 21:00
물론 일
월, 화, 수, 목, 일
학교 관리자 요금
€92.34 tooltip
수업 기간
물론 인증서
최소 연령
any age
학생 들의 평균 수
(선택 사항) 및 포함 되지 않은

레벨: 초급, 초등-A1 레벨, 중급-레벨 A2, 중간-레벨 B1, 상급-레벨 b 2, 고급-레벨 C1, 실력-수준 C2

1.Number of Lessons per week: Determined by the students. A student may apply for as many lessons as he/she needs. This course is based on offering 25 lessons per week ( 5 days x 5 hours per day).

2. Levels:. A private student will have to sit for a placement test on the first day of the course to determine his or her level.

3.Courses: The content of the private course will be decided by the instructor based on the language needs of the students. The course may focus on Modern Standard Arabic, Media Arabic, Business Arabic, Classical Arabic, Colloquial Arabic, etc.

4. Dates: Private course can be held anytime of the year. Start and end dates are decided solely by the student.

5. Immersion packages that include accommodation and trips can be arranged upon request for people registering in the private programs.

Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

Queen Rania Street, 암만, 요르단

  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)
  • Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

이 학교에 없는 학생 후기.

일반 정보: Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

교실 수: 20

교실 당 학생의 평균 n º: 10

최소 학생 연령: 16

날 레벨 제작:

공항에서 거리: 30 km.

裝 가까운 공항: Queen Rania International Airport

올해 학교 개설: 2005

학교 시간: 8:00 - 21:00

학교 가까운 날짜: 보기


컴퓨터 룸
문화 여행
식사 공간
팩스 서비스
무료 인터넷 접속
인터넷 와이파이
인쇄 서비스
사회 활동
공부 방

인증 및 품질 물개

학생 정보

•The center is located in the neighborhood of the university of Jordan, which has a population of 40,000 students. Therefore, students enrolled in Ali Baba Center have access to all types of facilities available for college students such as: restaurants (Western and Arabic food) , shops, cafés, banks, residence halls, hotels, money exchanges, sport clubs, hair dressers, etc. We usually introduce the new students to local university students to show them the whole neighborhood. The center has 15 spacious air

•conditioned class rooms, a modern café, a common/social room, language lab, and large reception area. Some facilities such as sport facilities, shops, cafés (like Gloria Jeans), restaurants are located in the same building. All types of facilities a student may need are nearby the school since the school is located nearby the University of Jordan . Our instructors are all native Arabic speakers. They are highly qualified. All academic affairs of the center are managed by an Academic Advisor who is PhD is Arabic language, and has long teaching and management experience. Our strategic location nearby the University of Jordan allows us to have access to the main library of the university, thus enriching our quality of teaching.

예약 요약

코스 보낸 사람 €577.74 Por 주말
시작 날짜 학생 들

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이용 약관: Ali Baba International Center - International House Amman (IH Amman)

- 서비스 전액 지불 할 합니다 14 코스 전에 일 등록 완료 하 고 코스와 숙박 장소 확보 하기 위해 시작.
- 은행 수수료는 학생에 의해 지급
- 학생 들은 할 합니다 15 년 세 이상

취소 정책

- 취소 과정 예약 하는 사람에 의해 학교에 서 면으로 전달 할.
- 코스 변경 과정 취소의 경우 환불에 대 한 보상 수 있습니다.
- 취소 받았다 1 거기 등록 후 일 전혀 환불 될 것입니다.
- 보증금 환불이 불가능.
- 등록 수수료는 환불.
- 등록 수수료는 환불.
- 숙박 예약 수수료는 환불.
- 환불 지불 후 과정 기간 단축 위해 하기 것 이다.
- 과정 개시 했다 일단 샘물 취소에 대 한 환불이.
- 코스 이미 시작 된 후 루니 숙박 또는 기타 항목에 대 한 환불 예약.
- 학비 환불 클래스 루니 과정에서 어떠한 이유로 든 늦은 도착, 이른 출발 또는 결 석, 받는다.
- 만약 학생이 결 석 한 번 하나 이상의 주에 대 한 준비 없이 확장할 수 과정 동안 만들 수 있습니다 추가 비용.

환불 정책

- 환불 전혀 취소에 대 한 주어 집니다.

비자 거절

- 환불 전혀 비자 거절에 대 한 주어 집니다.

다른 용어

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