The International House World Organisation (IHWO) is one of the largest and oldest groups of language schools in the world. Founded in 1953, we are a global network of over 150 affiliated private language schools in 52 countries, spanning every continent.
Schools affiliate to International House to prove their dedication to quality teaching, facilities and student care.
Commitment to quality
All schools are inspected prior to affiliation and if they do not meet our exacting quality standards they cannot use the International House brand. This ensures that International House remains a name that both students and teachers can trust.
International House affiliates benefit from idea sharing and networking opportunities within the organisation and beyond. They are invited to International House conferences, events and workshops and have access to a wealth of shared teaching, management and publicity materials.
해외 배우는 어디?
최고의 언어 코스 찾는 방법에 대 한 도움말
해외 공부 최대한 활용 하는 방법?
여담 훨씬 더!
한 장소에서 샘물에서는 정보. 이제까지 裝 언어 코스 고 해외 최고의 경험이에서는 샘물 것 포함!
당신은 하기 만큼 우리 스팬 싫어, 우리에 게 믿 수 있는, 귀하의 이메일 주소는 우리와 함께 안전 될 것입니다!
*등록 필요