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에 따라 1 학생 리뷰입니다.
"I came to Pamplona Learning with an A2/B1 level of Spanish and have found the teachers and their tea..."
Morag Susan Mcgowan

리뷰 아래에서 공부 하는 학생에 의해 submited 했다 Pamplona Learning Spanish Institute

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개별 학생에 대 한 리뷰 Pamplona Learning Spanish Institute

리뷰는 언어와 날짜에 따라 정렬 됩니다. 페이지 당 최대 25 개의 댓글

1 리뷰
I came to Pamplona Learning with an A2/B1 level of Spanish and have found the teachers and their teaching style to be fun, informal and, most importantly, very logical. You spend the majority of each class talking (as opposed to being dictated to) which improves your confidence as well as your ability to communicate in Spanish. It is a relaxed adult learning environment that encourages you to develop your language skills. Topics for the classes are generally related to situations you face in daily life living here in Spain which means what you learn in class one morning, you feel comfortable using that afternoon. The teachers are professional and very patient, especially with those who find learning another language a bit daunting. I have studied with students who have been at the school for a few months, who arrived without speaking one word of Spanish and now they comfortable living and speaking the language. Pamplona is a lovely city to live in. It is often referred to as a big village, rather than a small city, and this corresponds to the school. Classes are kept small so you can get to know your classmates as well as your teachers, and regular activities are scheduled to help you get to know Pamplona, Navarra and its surroundings. The school itself is an easy walk from the centre of Pamplona and the facilities are modern and clean. Overall, I would definitely recommend this school to study Spanish and get a different taste to Spanish life.

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