있죠: 97%

에 따라 2 학생 리뷰입니다.
"I have spent 3 months in this great school located in Bilbao downtown, Accredited by Cervantes Insti..."

리뷰 아래에서 공부 하는 학생에 의해 submited 했다 Instituto Hemingway

그들은이 학교에서 공부 하기 때 그들의 경험 반영 하는 학생 들의 의견 및 LanguageBookings.com의 의견 표현 하지 않습니다.

재미난 이런식으로, 당신은 얼마나도 학교 정말의 아이디어 얻을.

있죠   97%
  매우 가난한 불 쌍 한 평균 매우 만족  
시설 90%
위치 100%
재미 100%
교육 100%

개별 학생에 대 한 리뷰 Instituto Hemingway

리뷰는 언어와 날짜에 따라 정렬 됩니다. 페이지 당 최대 25 개의 댓글

2 리뷰
Last January I took a 12 week course at Instituto I had the time of my life there! Apart from the obvious amazing food and culture that I enjoyed, my Spanish classes were definitely the highlight! Ederra was my teacher and he was so helpful. I started at a low intermediate level and, although I felt my reading and writing was ok, I struggled with speaking and understanding “real” Spanish. He spoke so clearly though and was always happy to repeat if I didn’t understand something.

I have spent 3 months in this great school located in Bilbao downtown, Accredited by Cervantes Institute and with 17 years of experience teaching Spanish. I had such an awesome experience that I have returned for another 4 weeks.The classes are amazing, as well as all the teachers I met! The teacher's made the classes very productive and fun. Mondays to Fridays free leisure activities too. I never met such a fantastic School at a very reasonable price!! I highly recommend it to anybody.

5 %LanguageBookings.com 이제 언어 코스 예약 하 여이 학교에 할인!

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