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"Male 53 yrs, Female 52 yrs, from Denmark Highly recommendable! There are numerous Spanish courses on..."
Ole and Liselotte

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1 리뷰
Ole and Liselotte
Male 53 yrs, Female 52 yrs, from Denmark Highly recommendable! There are numerous Spanish courses on offer in Buenos Aires, but if you want to learn Spanish in a smaller town with lots of local atmosphere, then this is a good place! We joined an intensive course in Spanish for 2 weeks in Necochea with 2 fantastic teachers (Profesoras), Maria and Maria. Or Maria and Marisa, one put an s in her name so we could hear a difference, which was very convenient. The teaching was all in Spanish. We could ask for specific words or sentences and then the teachers translated into English. But Spanish it was, from the very beginning. Our starting level was tested. However, we did not proceed into the test for very long until we had to give up. It was really difficult for us with all those tenses and verbs that are in the Spanish language. Especially the multiple past tenses got us in big trouble already in the test. Actually, we still find it difficult without our notes at hand. We don’t remember things well. It must be the age… After the test, our teachers knew our level and the classes began. There were both theory and practice. The practice was particularly good, here the Profesoras really had set up an excellent way of teaching. First we learned the theory at the school desk and then they took us out in the town to practice in real life. They took us to the bakers, the butchers and to the pharmacy. And then we ordered bread, meat and vitamins. This was excellent! Back at the school desk, we discussed how everything went in town. Included in the price were also acommodation, local tours, a barbecue night and a beach tent! The beach was mostly windy, but summer temperatures were high, and a dip in the sea after a hot day at school was very nice! The beach tent was the kind of small tent that many locals rent during the summer, to have a permanent place on the beach to go to and also to store beach chairs etc. And it was also nice to sit in the tent a bit out of the wind. School begins every morning at 8 am, very early, but the teachers want to get started early. The first couple of hours before the morning break were hard. But the morning break with delicious local bread, tea, coffee and mate (the local Argentinian herb tea) was always a turning point. From then on, it was much easier. Admitted, we are slow starters. Well, okay, we are always slow… The final day was reserved for examination. We felt some control of Spanish now, but still we were very unsure. But with the aid from our notes, which we were allowed to bring, we passed! We received two fine certificates in Espanol Rio Platense. This is the version of Spanish spoken in Argentina. In Denmark, all Spanish teaching is Espanol Castellano. We think it was a very good Spanish course in Necochea, and now we have got two argentinian profesora friends. The Institute, or School, was not a real school, because it was actually in Marisa’s house! In a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Marisa’s husband took good care of us too, although he spoke with the use of much local slang, which we did not understand. Marisa kept telling him not to use slang, but he could not change it. Anyway, we had a great time! Even though it was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, what we really remember is the professionalism of Maria and Marisa. The power and the energy of two really good teachers. Thank you, Maria and Marisa! 10301128_1501883913362973_42018484254902 12938216_1751222085095820_72020853221418 Copia (3) de Copia de S5023257_edited.jp local_publish0 (2)_edited_edited.jpg 29416629_188803648510722_561184660874120 18451344_1643771368971073_71709757948103 PUENTE COLGANTE.jpg 298689_285950611419829_1491787470_n.jpg Necochea ELE Home The place The classes Accomodation Activities Rates Contact Students Reviews

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