있죠: 97%

에 따라 2 학생 리뷰입니다.
"I recently spent three weeks at genki jacs in tokyo. It was an amazing school to study at. The locat..."

리뷰 아래에서 공부 하는 학생에 의해 submited 했다 Genki Japanese and Culture School Tokyo

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재미난 이런식으로, 당신은 얼마나도 학교 정말의 아이디어 얻을.

있죠   97%
  매우 가난한 불 쌍 한 평균 매우 만족  
시설 90%
위치 100%
재미 100%
교육 100%

개별 학생에 대 한 리뷰 Genki Japanese and Culture School Tokyo

리뷰는 언어와 날짜에 따라 정렬 됩니다. 페이지 당 최대 25 개의 댓글

2 리뷰
I recently spent three weeks at genki jacs in tokyo. It was an amazing school to study at. The location was superb. Classes are small and intimate which gives all students the best chance to learn. The staff are awesome and very friendly. They assist you with everything you need. The staff also arrange local walking tours, restaurant trips, cultural trips to temples and so on. The only problem I had was the distance from my accommodation but I was able to use the subway easily.

During January 2014 I studied for 3 weeks at the Genki Jacs Language school in Shinjuku, Tokyo. It was an aazing experience. The staff are extremely friendly, personable and helpful. Classes are very individual and non-threatening and very fun. There are many extras you can do such as cultural trips, restaurant visits and walking tours organised by the school. The location is also brilliant and easily accessible. I would definately recommend studying at Genki Jacs and wish to go back there soon.

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