총 가격

The advanced level

Euroccl, 암만, 요르단

일반 아랍어 20 수업 / 주

코스 제목
The advanced level
코스 시간
09:00 - 12:45
물론 일
월, 화, 수, 목, 일
학교 관리자 요금
€46.17 tooltip
수업 기간
물론 인증서
최소 연령
학생 들의 평균 수
€23.08 필수 및 포함 되지 않은 tooltip

레벨: 고급-레벨 C1

Finding the detailed information in a script.
Understanding the basic points and the general concept for an extended script.
Following a group of extended directions.
Differentiating between facts and opinions.
Identifying the musical sounds differences.
Identifying the characteristics and the style of a script.
Identifying the relations that connect the speakers in a conversation.
Identifying the emotional status of the speaker.
Understanding the details in short conversations about certain unfamiliar topics.

Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) and setting the main idea.
Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) then searching for specific words.
Setting the logical relationships that are expressed by the conjunction tools in a script (3-5 paragraphs) about unfamiliar topics.
Following a tale or a description, in which the events are not in order.
Setting the exiting topics from the main line in a written script .
Understanding the hidden and functional goals of the script.
Differentiating between the main and marginal information related to a script.

Speaking and oral interaction:
Presenting the oral presentation about a familiar topic.
Using a number of formal and informal speech styles.
Participating in a group in order to solve a number of problems, which require some assumptions.
Questioning about abstract topics and answering the questions.
Using a number of speech strategies.

Using punctuation marks.
Writing a short essay, divided into paragraphs, to present the main information.
Quick writing, erasing, and correcting by considering them a part of writing drafts and composing.
Using the preparation writing strategies.
Using the revision writing strategies.


Queen Rania str. 364, 암만, 요르단

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  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl
  • Euroccl

이 학교에 없는 학생 후기.

일반 정보: Euroccl

교실 수: 7

교실 당 학생의 평균 n º: 6

최소 학생 연령: 18

날 레벨 제작:

공항에서 거리: 40 km.

裝 가까운 공항: Queen Alia Airport

올해 학교 개설: 2011

학교 시간: 8:00 - 8:00

학교 가까운 날짜: 보기

학생 정보

•We offer a team of highly qualified, experienced and caring teachers – some of the best educators in the field. The most of our Arabic Teachers are PhD holders and have made it their life’s work (at the University of Jordan or at the Damascus University) to teach and support learners, especially those who have language difficulties. And it shows in the way they work with the students and in the outstanding results we deliver.

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코스 보낸 사람 €312.18 Por 주말
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이용 약관: Euroccl

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Full payment must be received by the Supplier School not less than 14 days before your Start Date. You will not be allowed to commence your Course if payment is not made by that time. Payment may be made by bank transfer, credit or debit card or in person to the Relevant Account. Additional charges may apply depending on the choice of payment medium and such charges are identified on the Price List.