총 가격

International English Program

Global English Centre, Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아

일반 영어 + 회화 25 수업 / 주

코스 제목
International English Program
코스 시간
09:00 - 16:00
물론 일
월, 화, 수, 목, 금
학교 관리자 요금
€277.01 tooltip
수업 기간
물론 인증서
최소 연령
학생 들의 평균 수
€69.25 필수 및 포함 되지 않은 tooltip

자격: 국제 법률 영어 인증

레벨: 초급, 초등-A1 레벨, 중급-레벨 A2, 중간-레벨 B1, 상급-레벨 b 2, 고급-레벨 C1, 실력-수준 C2

ternational English courses commence every Monday and students may study for as many weeks as they like.

These intensive courses are offered in Beginner to Advanced levels with a focus on: speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills as well as vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar.

International English Programs (IEP) aim to:

1. Develop students’ confidence in using English for general purposes
2. Improve students’ skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing in order to communicate more effectively in English in both formal and informal settings.
3. IEP will help students develop communication skills in normal daily situations by being involved in activities with other students from a variety of different countries, both inside and outside the classroom.
4. Develop students’ English proficiency so they can focus on English for Academic Purposes once they have attained the appropriate level of English.

International English Programs are the best choice if you want to be able to use English better in a variety of situations. While all skills are taught, IEP emphasis is on speaking and listening, and includes a wide range of functional English to help you feel at ease in any situation. At all levels, International English is fun as well as instructive. You will start to feel more at home in the English-speaking world right from the beginning.

Course Features:
1. Project work
2. Task-based lessons
3. Discussions
4. Individual counselling
5. Video lessons
6. Computer learning
7.Using English in the real world, e.g. shopping, eating out, going to a post office or bank
8. Tours of local attractions and cultural events
9. , Options to participate in dive lessons that result in a PADI Open Water Certificate, in some of the best reefs in the world.
10. News-based lessons
11. Options to join other students in Rock Climbing, Paintball, various Sports, White Water Rafting, and a visit to the Crocodile Farm.
12. Fun learning

Global English Centre

No.24-0, Lot 115, Ground Floor, Block D, Lorong Kingfisher Plaza 6, Plaza Kingfisher, , Kota Kinabalu, 말레이시아

  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre
  • Global English Centre

이 학교에 없는 학생 후기.

일반 정보: Global English Centre

교실 수: 9

교실 당 학생의 평균 n º: 8

최소 학생 연령: 13

날 레벨 제작:

공항에서 거리: 16 km.

裝 가까운 공항: Kota Kinabalu International Airport

올해 학교 개설: 2012

학교 시간: 8:00 - 21:00

학교 가까운 날짜: 보기


클래스/엑스트라 외 세미나 후
오디오 학습
자동차 주차
컴퓨터 룸
문화 여행
식사 공간
팩스 서비스
무료 인터넷 접속
인터넷 와이파이
인쇄 서비스
자기 공부 자료
스낵 기계
사회 활동
학생 실
공부 방
테이블 게임
차 / 커피
텔레비전 방

인증 및 품질 물개

학생 정보

•Courses offered at GEC: * General English ( Full

•Time / Part

•Time ) * IELTS Preparation ( Full

•Time / Part

•Time ) * TOEFL Preparation ( Full

•Time / Part

•Time ) * English For Children * Grammar Courses * English Conversation Courses * Study Tours * Intensive English Courses * Custom Tailored Courses * Corporate Training Courses

예약 요약

코스 보낸 사람 €218.53 Por 주말
시작 날짜 학생 들

총 가격:

저장 하는  
LanguageBookings.com에 언어 코스를 예약 하 고 받을 3% 할인!

LanguageBookings 최고 가격 보장
100% 보장, 최저 가격 지불 합니다.
뛰어난 지원
도움이 필요 하시면 언제 든 지 고객 지원 항상 호출할 수 있습니다.
100% 확인 예약
우리의 경쟁자의 아무도 꽤 이런식으로 예약 보장할 것 이다.

이용 약관: Global English Centre

- 서비스 전액 지불 할 합니다 13 코스 전에 일 등록 완료 하 고 코스와 숙박 장소 확보 하기 위해 시작.
- 예약은 양도할 수 없습니다.
- 은행 수수료는 학생에 의해 지급
- 학생 들은 할 합니다 13 년 세 이상

취소 정책

- 취소 과정 예약 하는 사람에 의해 학교에 서 면으로 전달 할.
- 코스 변경 과정 취소의 경우 환불에 대 한 보상 수 있습니다.
- 취소 받았다 1 거기 등록 후 일 전혀 환불 될 것입니다.
- 보증금 환불이 불가능.
- 등록 수수료는 환불.
- 등록 수수료는 환불.
- 숙박 예약 수수료는 환불.
- 과정 개시 했다 일단 샘물 취소에 대 한 환불이.
- 코스 이미 시작 된 후 루니 숙박 또는 기타 항목에 대 한 환불 예약.
- 학비 환불 클래스 루니 과정에서 어떠한 이유로 든 늦은 도착, 이른 출발 또는 결 석, 받는다.

환불 정책

- 과정 취소 하는 경우 보다 더 28 일 시작 날짜 전에 다음 요금이 적용 됩니다.
- 등록 요금

비자 거절

- 환불 전혀 비자 거절에 대 한 주어 집니다.

다른 용어

Cancellation and Refund Policy
• If you cancel your course LESS than 28 days before your course commencement date a cancellation fee of 25% of tuition fees will apply.
• No tuition fees will be refunded if you advise cancellation on or after your course commencement date.
• If you cancel your rental accommodation with Global English Centre less than 14 days prior to your arrival date, two weeks fees are to be paid.
• Study days lost due to late commencement on course are not recoverable. There are no refunds for public holiday or absences occurring during your course.
• Should the student cancel their enrolment, Global English Centre shall effect the necessary refund within 4 weeks. The refund will be paid directly to the person who entered into the contract with Global English Centre, unless the person gives written direction to pay another individual. The refund will be paid in the same currency in which the fees were paid unless this is impractical. Application for refunds must be received by Global English Centre in writing, addressed to the Director.
• In the unlikely event that Global English Centre is unable to deliver your course in full, you will be offered a credit of all the course money you have paid to date whereby the reminder of the course maybe completed at a later date. The credit will be applied to you within 2 weeks of the day on which your course ceased being provided. Alternatively, you may be offered enrolment in an alternative course by Global English Centre at no extra cost to you. You have the right to choose whether you would prefer a credit of the course fees, or to accept a place in another course. If you choose placement in another course, we will ask you to sign a document to indicate that you accept the placement. If Global English Centre is unable to provide a credit or place you in an alternative course, the Director will attempt to place you in a suitable alternative course or, if this is not possible, you will be eligible for a refund as calculated by the Director.
• No refund for school courses due to unexpected situations or natural disasters (eg. Fire, cyclone, flooding…etc). The school may decide to close for the safety of the students and staff.
• Unused fees cannot be transferred as credit to another student.
• This agreement does not remove the right to take further action under Malaysia’s consumer protection law.
• The registered provider’s dispute resolution process does not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies
이 학교에서에 대 한 裝 최근의 예약 카 메루 운 여담 저장 된 €29.09!