총 가격

Arabic for Diplomats

Arabeya Arabic Language Institute, Giza, 이집트

아랍어 1-1 20 수업 / 주

코스 제목
Arabic for Diplomats
코스 시간
08:00 - 16:00
물론 일
월, 화, 수, 목, 토, 일
학교 관리자 요금
€0.00 tooltip
수업 기간
물론 인증서
최소 연령
학생 들의 평균 수

레벨: 초급, 초등-A1 레벨, 중급-레벨 A2, 중간-레벨 B1, 상급-레벨 b 2, 고급-레벨 C1, 실력-수준 C2

Arabic for Diplomats program is a specialized in the needs of diplomats in the globalize envoronment nowdays.
It's designed to fulfill the diiplomats individual needs. The course is important to develop the Arabic language skills required by diplomats in order to gain the confidence in everyday process of their office and also to improve their language to gain international relations.
The course is one to one focusing on personalized study program designed to achieve their individual learning needs and goals. Its main focuses are oral communication skills, formal presentation, meeting and negotiation scenarios, and informal social situations.

It is totally customized to the participants requests and need .

The timetable will be adapted to your own schedule.

Course Objectives
The Arabic for Diplomats course will assist participants to develop the Arabic language skills to :
- Gain fluency in communicating professionally and comfortably in formal situations in Arabic.
- Preparing speeches and presentations in many topics.
- Learning negotiations skills in Arabic Language .
- Chairing and participating in meetings and conferences.
- Discussing current and foreign affairs.
- Speed-reading for specific information and absorbing high volumes of information in short periods of time.
-Improve professional writing skills for email and letters.
-Making and receiving telephone calls.
-Understanding idioms, accents and body language and more about Arabic culture.

Arabeya Arabic Language Institute

19 Dr Ahmed Al Hofy-Almansora, , Giza, 이집트

  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute
  • Arabeya Arabic Language Institute

이 학교에 없는 학생 후기.

일반 정보: Arabeya Arabic Language Institute

교실 수: 15

교실 당 학생의 평균 n º: 2

최소 학생 연령: 12

날 레벨 제작:

공항에서 거리: 12 km.

裝 가까운 공항: Cairo Airport

올해 학교 개설: 2003

학교 시간: 8:00 - 16:00

학교 가까운 날짜: 보기


오디오 학습
문화 여행
식사 공간
무료 인터넷 접속
인터넷 와이파이
사회 활동
차 / 커피

학생 정보

•Our Teachers All of our educators are native Arabic speakers with degrees from prestigious universities in Egypt, including Al

•Azhar University. Our instructors have up to 15 years experience in Arabic instruction and some are MSA Specialists. All of our teachers speak English and several are conversant in other languages in addition.

예약 요약

코스 보낸 사람 €225.00 Por 주말
시작 날짜 학생 들

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이용 약관: Arabeya Arabic Language Institute

- 은행 수수료는 학생에 의해 지급
- 학생 들은 할 합니다 12 년 세 이상

취소 정책

- 취소 과정 예약 하는 사람에 의해 학교에 서 면으로 전달 할.
- 보증금 환불이 불가능.
- 등록 수수료는 환불.
- 환불 지불 후 과정 기간 단축 위해 하기 것 이다.
- 코스 이미 시작 된 후 루니 숙박 또는 기타 항목에 대 한 환불 예약.

환불 정책

- 예약 취소 될 수 있습니다 4 주 이전 위약금 또는 수수료 없이 과정의 불과하다.
- 과정 취소 하는 경우 보다 더 30 코스 시작 일전: % 환불
- 과정 사이 취소 29 개발팀 16 코스 시작 일전: % 환불
- 과정 사이 취소 15 개발팀 8 코스 시작 일전: % 환불

비자 거절

- 환불 전혀 비자 거절에 대 한 주어 집니다.

다른 용어


이 학교에서에 대 한 裝 최근의 예약 벨기에 여담 저장 된 €34.00!