총 가격

CAE Exam Preparation - Full Time 15 HOURS/WEEK

Elegant International College, 런던, 영국

영어 시험 준비 15 수업 / 주

코스 제목
CAE Exam Preparation - Full Time 15 HOURS/WEEK
코스 시간
13:45 - 17:00
물론 일
월, 화, 수, 목, 금
학교 관리자 요금
€33.74 tooltip
수업 기간
물론 인증서
최소 연령
학생 들의 평균 수
(선택 사항) 및 포함 되지 않은

자격: 캠브리지 고급 영어 (CAE) 인증서

레벨: 상급-레벨 b 2, 고급-레벨 C1

Our Cambridge Exam preparation courses: Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) is delivered by experienced and qualified teachers. The syllabus for your lessons is based on your course book, but your teacher will also use their experience to give you top tips on how to pass any of your Cambridge exam courses. You will be expected to participate as much as possible and pushed to succeed. Each week, you will be tested with a practice exam for the unit you have studied throughout the week.

This course focuses on the skills needed for students to reach their grade requirements and succeed in an academic or professional environment:

Writing an academic essay: stating and developing arguments/opinions;
problem-solving; presenting information logically, coherently and cohesively;
paragraph mapping-introduction, body of ideas, conclusion;
sequencers and signalling devices; proof –reading/editing work as a part of drafting.

Reading techniques: skimming & scanning for general or specific information (eg: data/figures); processing information from academic and authentic sources (magazines & internet); logical organization of information.

Speaking: providing information in a formal interview context; giving an extended talk on a given topic; taking part in a formal discussion; giving a formal presentation /report.

Listening: extracting information from texts of varying lengths eg: university lectures, radio interviews, radio documentaries, conversations; learning what information to look for and what to exclude.


Extract information from and understand a variety of texts including letters, works of fiction, newspaper articles, advertisements and brochures. Focus on multiple matching of headings to paragraphs, gapped texts and multiple matching for exam.

Write reports, transactional letters, articles, discursive and descriptive and narrative compositions. Note-taking for listening tasks.

Understand a variety of listening texts, including lectures, phone messages, news, interviews, conversation, extracts from plays and stories with native and non-native accents.

Make contributions to discussions on a variety of topics.

Review and practice all aspects of previously-learned grammar including hypothetical

Vocabulary Topics
Transport, space travel, sport, science and technology, clothing and fashion, health, food and cooking, money, weather, environment, films, parts of the body, crime and punishment.

Elegant International College

263-265 Battersea Park Road, 런던, 영국

  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College
  • Elegant International College

리뷰 아래에서 공부 하는 학생에 의해 submited 했다 Elegant International College
그들은이 학교에서 공부 하기 때 그들의 경험 반영 하는 학생 들의 의견 및 LanguageBookings.com의 의견 표현 하지 않습니다.
재미난 이런식으로, 당신은 얼마나도 학교 정말의 아이디어 얻을.

시설 100%
위치 100%
재미 100%
교육 100%

개별 학생에 대 한 리뷰 Elegant International College

3 리뷰

일반 정보: Elegant International College

교실 수: 5

교실 당 학생의 평균 n º: 8

최소 학생 연령: 18

날 레벨 제작:

공항에서 거리: 25.6 km.

裝 가까운 공항: Heathrow

올해 학교 개설: 2011

학교 시간: 9:30 - 19:00

학교 가까운 날짜: 보기


클래스/엑스트라 외 세미나 후
오디오 학습
컴퓨터 룸
문화 여행
장애인된 시설
식사 공간
팩스 서비스
무료 인터넷 접속
인터넷 와이파이
인쇄 서비스
자기 공부 자료
사회 활동
공부 방
차 / 커피

인증 및 품질 물개

학생 정보

•Elegant International College has been inspected and accredited by the British Council and the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). Teachers are formally qualified to teach English and have been approved by our Awarding Organizations. The college provides a friendly international environment, with “bright and modern premises” and “student satisfaction is high”. Central London location with excellent public transport enables easy travel. The college organizes social programs and is able to assist with accommodation through our British Council accredited partner. We offer our learners a highly competitive and value for money service. All staff constantly strives to make the learning process both an interesting and an enjoyable experience. The college offers: 1. Affordable courses taught by teachers who specialize in teaching English. 2. Modern classrooms equipped with Smart and interactive whiteboards and digital projectors. 3. Excellent learning and socializing experience provided in a friendly environment. 4. First class customer service by our welcoming and responsive bilingual staff. 5. Attractive and appealing social programs including educational trips and outings. 6. Small class sizes with mixed nationalities. 7. Free WIFI on every floor, local library access, break area, computer room, large outdoor seating area & social boards.

예약 요약

코스 보낸 사람 €94.26 Por 주말
시작 날짜 학생 들

총 가격:

저장 하는  
LanguageBookings.com에 언어 코스를 예약 하 고 받을 6% 할인!

LanguageBookings 최고 가격 보장
100% 보장, 최저 가격 지불 합니다.
뛰어난 지원
도움이 필요 하시면 언제 든 지 고객 지원 항상 호출할 수 있습니다.
100% 확인 예약
우리의 경쟁자의 아무도 꽤 이런식으로 예약 보장할 것 이다.

이용 약관: Elegant International College

- 예약은 양도할 수 없습니다.
- 은행 수수료는 학생에 의해 지급
- 학생 들은 할 합니다 18 년 세 이상

취소 정책

- 취소 과정 예약 하는 사람에 의해 학교에 서 면으로 전달 할.
- 환불 지불 후 과정 기간 단축 위해 하기 것 이다.
- 과정 개시 했다 일단 샘물 취소에 대 한 환불이.
- 코스 이미 시작 된 후 루니 숙박 또는 기타 항목에 대 한 환불 예약.

환불 정책

- 환불 전혀 취소에 대 한 주어 집니다.

비자 거절

- 경우는 입국 비자 허가 하지 않습니다 및 학교 정보 보다 더 일 시작 날짜 전에 다음 요금이 적용 됩니다.
- 1 주일 수업료
- 주 숙박
- 남은 잔액은 원래 비자 거절 편지 받는 즉시 학생에 게 환불 됩니다.

다른 용어

Fees paid are not refundable unless ALL the following conditions are satisfied:
a) The student has not entered the UK
b) The student provides proof to the satisfaction of the College that the British Authorities have refused her or him an entry visa
c) The claim for the refund is made in writing not later than two weeks prior to the commencement of the course
d) All original documents and receipts are returned to the college
e) In all cases where a refund is given, £200 is deducted.
이 학교에서에 대 한 裝 최근의 예약 세네갈 여담 저장 된 €86.01!