ELSAC - English Language Schools Association of Cyprus

ELSAC - English Language Schools Association of Cyprus

The English Language Schools Association of Cyprus (ELSAC) is the first body of its kind ever to be set up in Cyprus. As the number of language schools in Cyprus has increased in recent years, it has become clear that a regulatory body was needed to oversee the provision of lessons and to ensure that all language schools provide tuition of the highest standard.

The founding members of ELSAC:  Malvern House/The Language Explorer, Cyprus; Xenion Language School (part of Xenion Education) and Pascal English Summer Camp (part of Pascal English High Schools)  are all well-established and have been providing  top quality language education for many years.

Having recognized the need for a quality assurance scheme, ELSAC is committed  to ensuring that all member schools are licensed by the Ministry of Education and that they follow strict guidelines  in both academic and non academic  matters.

Academic matters include:  the level of qualification of teachers; the quality of the teaching materials they use and the standard of the learning environment - the classrooms, common areas and facilities offered by participating schools.

Non-academic issues include:  accommodation; leisure / entertainment activities;  excursion and entertainment facilities and making sure that all such provision is licensed and approved of by the Ministry of Tourism .

The founding Chairperson of ELSAC, Ms Yiota Kontoloucas, promises that its member schools "will offer students a high level of education and a truly meaningful holiday experience".


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