Asso Coccinella - Associazione culturale Coccinella - L'italia ad est - Kiev

Asso Coccinella - Associazione culturale Coccinella - L'italia ad est - Kiev

Welcome to the cultural organization "Coccinella" in Kiev and Odessa!

Founded in 2009, the organization works in the field of dissemination and knowledge of Italian language and culture where they are truly loved and appreciated.

Culture - is not only the language! Thanks to our members except Italian courses with teachers who are native speakers, we have also provided courses of Italian cuisine, music and culture.

Learn Italian with native speakers (from the entry-level study) - is really important, as all of our teachers have a university degree and have the right to teach Italian to foreigners according to the certificate DITALS . Certificate DITALS issued by the University of Siena, after the evaluation of theoretical and practical training of the teacher of the Italian language, the certificate is also responsible to different levels of competence of the teacher in this area.


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여담 훨씬 더!

한 장소에서 샘물에서는 정보. 이제까지 裝 언어 코스 고 해외 최고의 경험이에서는 샘물 것 포함!

당신은 하기 만큼 우리 스팬 싫어, 우리에 게 믿 수 있는, 귀하의 이메일 주소는 우리와 함께 안전 될 것입니다!

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